Acts 20:18-31
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***Many apologies sermon quality too poor to upload 1) WITNESS! (v3-6) Two witnesses of love and light 2) WAR! (v7-14) The beast from the bottomless pit will make war against them 3) WORSHIP! (v15-18) Jesus reigns supremely Jesus judges righteously Jesus rewards graciously Lessons: 1. God’s people are safe 2. God’s word is true 3….
1) BE DEVOTED! (v1-2) To walking in a way that pleases God more and more 2) BE DISTINCTIVE! (v3-5) a) Do the will of God b) Abstain from ‘pornea’ c) Be self-controlled d) Be holy 3) BE DECIDED! (v6-8) Obey God’s warnings & His calling 4) BE DEPENDENT! On the Holy Spirit He has…
1. THE PENMAN! (v1a) Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus 2. THE POST CODE! (v1b-2) To saints, overseers and deacons… Grace and peace 3. THE PRAYER! (v3-11) A thankful, continual, joyful, confident, affectionate and specific prayer
IT’S FOR ALL PEOPLE Because God made all He offers hope to all IT’S ROOTED IN HISTORY Jesus was a real person who actually lived IT CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY FROM US The hope of heaven gives us a perspective which changes our lives. If you place your…
1) WHEN TO PRAY (v18) “at all times”, “ alert and persevering” 2) HOW TO PRAY (v17-19) v18 – in the Spirit v17-18 – with the Word v18 – for all the saints v19-20 – for specific saints v19-20 – for the Kingdom 3) WHY WE PRAY (v10-13) We are in a spiritual battle We…
1. The Basics What is prayer and fasting? 2. The Backdrop How should we pray and fast? 3. The Blueprint Who should we pray to and meditate upon? What should we pray for and meditate upon? 4. The Bombshell Why is v14 here?