Guest Service – Sorry the sermons were not recorded this week.
Guest Service – Sorry the sermons were not recorded this week.
***Apologies agian for the poor sound quality. A new digital recorder has been ordered. 1. On the basis of His PROVISION – v1-15: Solid Fact and Symbolic Truth The Odds? – There are no odds – it’s CERTAIN 2. On the basis of His PRESENCE – v16-21: Strengthening Words and Safe Haven The Odds? –…
Apologies the sermon was not recorded. MIND (1 Pet 1:13) Cleared: “Gird up the loins of your mind”; Rom 12:2; Eph 4:17-19 Controlled: need to be alert; 1 Pet 4:7; 1 Pet 5:5 Concentrated: “set on”; Looking forward to Him and His return.Col 3:1,2 MANNER (1 Pet 1:14-17) Obedience. See 1 Sam 15:14-25;…
1) SEE WHAT? The Lamb of God (v36) Rabbi (v38) The Messiah (Christ) (v41) The One Moses and the Prophets wrote about (v45) Rabbi, Son of God, King of Israel (v49) The Son of Man (v51) 2) TELL WHO? Those whom you influence (v35) Your family (v41) Your friends (v45) Those who despise you (John…
1) THE POWER OF THE LORD! The Nile turns to blood (Ex 7:19-20) The land invaded by frogs (Ex 8:1-4) The nation plagued with lice (Ex 8:16-17) The houses covered in flies (Ex 8:20b-24) The livestock destroyed by sickness (Ex 9:1b-7) Man & beast infected with boils (Ex 9:8-10) The country pelted with hail…
1. THE SETTING! Athens – the intellectual & cultural metropolis of the world 2. THE SERMON! The Unknown God 3. THE SEQUEL! a) Resentment b) Postponement c) Commitment
1. KNOWING JESUS MEANS KNOWING LIFE. Stand in his resurrection life In Him alone 2. KNOWING JESUS MEANS KNOWING LOVE Every human being longs to be loved for who they are. O the deep, deep love of Jesus. 3. KNOWING JESUS MEANS KNOWING LIBERTY Freedom from guilt and shame There is now no condemnation…