Matt 22:37 – “You shall love the Lord your God…”
John 13:34 – “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another…”
The Summary a) Performance Religion – v1-2 b) Stubborn Hearts and Wills – v4 c) Idolatry – v5 d) Moaning and Criticising – v8 e) Blind, Deaf and Disobedient -v18-19 The Solution The Glorious Grace of God a) Grace that Saves v9-11 Based on His…
FOR HARMONY! (v1-2) “…being of the same mind, having the same love and being in full accord….” FOR HUMILITY! (v3-8) Think of others, have the mind of Christ, follow His example: a man, a servant, a victim, a curse FOR HOPE! (v9-11) Those who are humble God exalts. The exaltation of Christ is…
1. WORK OUT! (v12-13) Your own salvation 2. SHINE OUT! (v14-15) By being thankful, gracious & godly in a crooked world 3. GIVE OUT! (v16) God’s Word! Verbalise the Gospel 4. POUR OUT! (v17-18) Your life in His service
The Basic Story The Back Story The BIG Story
1. SCRIPTURE a) 2 Pet 1:3 Knowledge of Him Our purpose: Phil 3:10; His presence: Luke 24:27 b) 2 Pet 1:4 ..precious and very great promises…. (Acts 2:21; 1Jn 1:9; Rom 8:29-32; Ps 23:4; 1 Thess 4:16-18) Read it, believe it, pray it, obey it – this is assurance 2. SPIRIT a) His witness…
How to run the race – Keep your focus on Jesus 1. Asa acted decisively with idolatry – (2 Chronicles 14: 2-5; 15:1-15) 2. Asa prayed dependently and expectantly – (2 Chronicles 14:11) 3. Asa foolishly failed to rely on the Lord – (2 Chronicles 16:7-8) God willingly offers and strongly supports those who run with dedication…