1. Called as Christians
2. Collected as the Church
3. Existing for God’s Glory
4. Displaying God’s Glory to the Nations
1. Called as Christians
2. Collected as the Church
3. Existing for God’s Glory
4. Displaying God’s Glory to the Nations
A place for: 1. Unsurpassed – JOY 2. Unfading – GLORY 3. Undiminished – BLISS 4. Unlimited – DELIGHTS 5. Unending – PLEASURES 6. Undeserving – PEOPLE For every ACHIEVEMENT there is a PRICE. For every GOAL there is an OPPONENT. For every VICTORY there is a PROBLEM. For every TRIUMPH there is a SACRIFICE….
1. Joined together WITH him Remember what you were … 2. Growing together FROM him Recognise what you are becoming … 3. Living together LIKE him Rejoice in the grace of Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit …
JESUS: 1) HIS BATTLE! With Satan & his demons 2) HIS BURDEN! If You be willing remove this cup from Me The weight of becoming sin for us 3) HIS BEAUTY! Of His holiness, Of His willingness Nevertheless not as I will but Your will be done He became obedient unto death
No outline given
1. The Contrast: Darkness and Light 2. The Prophetic Names: Wonderful Counsellor – He has all the wisdom we need Mighty God – He has all the power we need Everlasting Father – He has the family we need Prince of Peace – He brings now, and will bring in the future the peace we need. 3….
***Apologies agian for the poor sound quality. A new digital recorder has been ordered. 1. On the basis of His PROVISION – v1-15: Solid Fact and Symbolic Truth The Odds? – There are no odds – it’s CERTAIN 2. On the basis of His PRESENCE – v16-21: Strengthening Words and Safe Haven The Odds? –…