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1. THE BRIDE! (v1-13) Ruth redeemed by Boaz: legally, willingly, at great cost, with great love 2. THE BOY! (v13-17) Obed, the servant worshipper 3. THE BLESSING! (v13-22) To Boaz & Ruth To Naomi (the restorer of life) To Bethlehem To Israel To the world
(Please be aware the sound is not the usual quality) Passionate worship what we’re made for (John 4:23) ‘When we look up to the glory of God, we find ourselves face down in worship’ Passionate worship flows from my Identity (1 Peter 1:3-5 & 8-9, Psalm 100:1-5) Whenever someone’s life is changed by God, they…
Something: 1. HARROWING! (v1) Saul is rejected by God 2. HONOURING! (v2-4) Samuel serves the Lord even when he doesn’t feel like it 3. HUMBLING! (v5-13) Arise, anoint him, he is the one LESSONS: 1. Don’t measure people by their height but by their heart! 2. You’re never too young to be anointed of…
1. ITS HEAD! I will build MY Church 2. ITS HEART! Love – vertical & horizontal 3. ITS HOPE! Holy, blameless, above reproach, like Jesus
1. THE REACTION OF THOSE LISTENING TO THE WORDS OF JESUS There are only two ways to react to what Jesus said: a) You can believe and obey His words b) You can ignore His words and suffer the consequences There is no middle ground. It is either one or the other. 2. THE REASON…
1. The Word of God Produces – New Life Through Faith (v13) Genesis 1 & John 1 – the Word of God brings… The Thessalonians: a) Received, believed, went on believing b) Trusted the words they heard were from God – true & authoritative, even though delivered by human heralds (1 Cor 2:13, Matt 16:17) c)…