1) HIS CALLING! (v3) Ruler of the house of Ahab 2) HIS CHARACTER! Godly (v3), Brave (v4), Trustworthy (v5), Respectful (v7), Consistent (v12) 3) HIS CONCERN! (v7 to 14) Ahab will kill me (9,12,14) 4) HIS COMMITMENT! (v16) To obey Lessons: 1. God has His servants everywhere 2. Living for Christ is risky 3. Faith…
1) THE WORLD’S GREATEST LOVE The love of God 2) THE WORLD’S GREATEST NEED Rescue for a perishing world 3) THE WORLD’S GREATEST GIFT God’s only begotten Son – Jesus of Nazareth 4) THE WORLD’S GREATEST CHOICE Whosoever believes
1. PAUL’S MANDATE! (v19-20) To honour Christ: with joy… by the help of the Holy Spirit… by unashamed courageous boldness… by honouring Christ in his body 2. PAUL’S MOTTO! (v21-26) “For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Living meant: Fruitfulness, Usefulness, Purpose Dying meant: Gain and Glory 3. PAUL’S MESSAGE!…
1) The Wonderful Counsellor brings CLARITY 2) The Mighty God brings CREATIVITY 3) The Everlasting Father brings COMMUNITY 4) The Prince of Peace brings CONNECTIVITY
1) LORD DELIVER US! (1 Pet 5:8-9, Mark 7:20-23) From the evil one From our evil hearts 2) LORD DEFEND US! (Psalm 25:1, 16-18; Psalm 27:1,5) From our enemies 3) LORD DISPLAY US! (Eph 3:10, Col 1:21, Jude 25) Before the angels
1. This is the Day! Spiritual Illumination 2. This is the Child! Light for the Darkness Life through His death 3. This is it! He is all I need